Our Services

We buy, deliver, and set up any type of mulch or pine straw that your lawn needs in order to look its best.
We offer an annual lawn, shrub, tree, and flower fertilization program.This program ensures that your lawn is healthy and beautiful year round.

We provide full service mowing which includes mowing, edging, weed eating, blowing, spray, and overall general cleaning of your lawn.
Lawn Mowing

Weed Control
We provide an annual weed control program that ensures that your lawn and flower beds are free of weeds. This helps to keep pests away from your home.
We install brand new irrigation systems as well as fix broken or damaged established irrigation systems. We also provide a check up upon request.

We provide a full service maintenance, which includes all of your landscaping needs.

What Makes
Us Special?
Areas Worked


We ensure that any work done for you will
be professional with guaranteed satisfaction.

Here at D&W
We are passionate about creating the perfect landscape because we know who we are working for.
We know that you will be satisfied and happy with the work we do, because of our work ethic beliefs.
We believe that everything we do for you, is as if we are doing it unto God.

" And whatever you do, work with all of your heart as to the Lord"
-Colossians 3:23